Hi,I have made this math's mat with place value. So I hope you like it.

Kia ora, I am a student at St Francis of Assisi School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Hi, I have been writing a story like Noah's ark. Here it is:
One sunny day when the sun was bright and the sky was blue, Noah heard a huge crash from the lower level of the ark. He sprinted as fast as he could down the stairs eager to see what had happened. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he saw the elephants looking scared and the tiger looking sheepishly at him. “What happened?” shouted Noah. He could see the huge tusk of the elephant stuck in the side of the boat and water was rushing in. He suddenly knew what had happened, the tiger must have escaped from his pen and chased the elephant into the side of the boat.
Noah had no time to explain to the animals, he rounded them up as fast as he could and pushed them up to the top level. The boat started shaking as it filled with water. There was chaos in the ark. Every animal was scared. As the boat started filling up it started sinking and the animals ran to the edge. Just then it started to rain.
“Oh no! This is not good”, said Noah. Then the animals started to fall off the boat. Off went the frog, zebra, goat, cheetah and the wombat and it looked like the tiger was next. Luckily, Noah could see an island in the distance, so he called out and told the animals in the water to start swimming. They swam and swam until they finally reached the island. The other animals and Noah got the planks from the arc and made a raft from the planks and bits of seaweed poking up from the water and sailed there safe and sound.
The end.
Have you heard about Noah’s ark?
Hello, I have been leaning about fungus this week, it is a bit yuck but interesting. Here is my poster.
Have you seen any of these in the forest?